Las Vegas Engagement Photographer :: Paige & Colby

It’s easy to tell the story of love at first sight.  The story where all of the stars align the moment two sets of eyes meet, and then the yaddy yaddy yaddy’s until the happily ever after.   Yes, that story is easy to tell, but it is also very boring.

Paige and Colby’s stars didn’t align the first time that they met.  Were they instantly attracted to one another?  Yes.  Did they want to be together?  Yes.  But there was one thing that didn’t fall into place… the timing.  They met in New York City.  Paige lived there at the time, but Colby was just visiting while he was on the all-star break from professional baseball with the Phillies organization.  Paige knew one of Colby’s teammates, which is how they ended up meeting, but Colby knew that New York was just a fleeting moment for him.  Playing baseball meant that Colby would be traveling often, and he and Paige were both still so young, so he made the decision to not start anything serious.  But, they stayed in touch.  And as time went by, Paige never left Colby’s thoughts.

Finally, two years later, Paige went to visit Colby and it was then that they finally made their relationship exclusive, and official.

They are to be married early next year in Paige’s hometown of Charleston, South Carolina, and I am beyond ecstatic to head back to Charleston to photograph their wedding!!

We were able to roam around Spring Mountain Ranch State Park for their engagement photos, and everything about them and the location was just dreamy!!
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Las Vegas Engagement Photographer_Paige & Colby_0007 Can you even imagine how gorgeous these wedding photos are going to be!!??  I mean, look at these two!!Las Vegas Engagement Photographer_Paige & Colby_0008 Las Vegas Engagement Photographer_Paige & Colby_0009 Las Vegas Engagement Photographer_Paige & Colby_0010 Las Vegas Engagement Photographer_Paige & Colby_0011This last two photos are some of my absolute favorites… evah.
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  1. Clara says:

    If money was no object [I’d deftiniely go for the Ferrari 458|If money were no object, Ferrari 458 would be my ride|I’d take the 458, it’s just so awesome]. The way it feels is what makes it so exotic. If only my piggy bank was fat enough to afford one.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.

  3. Arlene, I just found it online. I’m afraid I can’t give you permission to use it because I hate to say I didn’t get permission before I used it. gulp. good luck finding one elsewhere!


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